Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gay Rights Ordinance Passes in Anchorage

Finally some good political news. I've been pretty discouraged lately every time I read the news, but here is a tiny little ray of sunshine here in our very red state of Alaska. The Anchorage Assembly has passed an ordinance protection gays, lesbians, and transgenders from discrimination. Article here if you are interested.

This victory was hard fought and the battle was ugly. I've written previously about the opposition to passing this ordinance. I'm honestly surprised it passed. Our new mayor has seven days to decide whether or not to veto and he claims he still is not sure what he will do. Mayor Sullivan is both a Catholic and a political conservative so the odds are likely he will choose to veto. To give you a hint, Sarah Palin stated that nothing would make her happier than to be able to work with Dan Sullivan as Mayor of Anchorage. Any of you living in Anchorage, please call or e-mail Mayor Sullivan and ask him politely to respect the rights of all his constituents and allow the ordinance to become law.

With all the negativity and craziness that is the current American political forum, here's one for the good guys!

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